My family and friends know me as the gift wrapper. I enjoy wrapping gifts and so every year they look forward to see my new creative designs. The challenge is always using new wrapping paper and coming up with new ideas on how to package everyones gifts individually.
I came across these new ideas and I think they're fantastic. I've never thought of putting names on gifts outside of tagging but here is a great idea on how to make things modern but also personalized.

click on image to see the source
Better yet, how about using a personalized wrapping paper? You can use fansy personalized wrapping paper, or for the same effect just get plain colored wrapping paper and write on it yourself.

click on image to see the source
I don't know about you, but receiving gifts from overseas is something I always look forward too. So why not use the same packaging idea of friends and family over the holidays.

click on image to see the source
This holiday season, think outside the box and make sure the gift you give has a bit of your personal touch on it :)
I love these! Especially the first one "name-idea" is good! Last picture is so cute.
Have a nice Saturday!
tooo the first one..pity I have already purchased some handmade gift tags.....this will be for next year !
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