i just celebrated my 28th birthday. i know i may seem young to some but for as long as i can remember, i thought at this age i would be married with a great job carrying around 1 or 2 kids. 2-3 isn't that bad...
we've been trying for a little over a year now with no luck. we're making an appointment with our doc this week to see if there's anything wrong with either of us, fingers crossed that it's just a matter of time and nothing serious. even if we can't have children of our own, we've always talked about adopting so all is not lost. but i would love to experience being a mother, carrying a child and giving birth to new life...
Jen - Good luck!!
Hope everything goes well with the checkup...my wishes are with you.
hi jen,
i wish you good luck and maybe your dream comes true very soon!!!
thanks ladies!
sending happy thoughts to you.
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Thank you Acaligurl!
Massi - no, I haven't received any messages from you in awhile. This is the first one ;(
Hi Jen....I had my first when I was 28...nearly 29.........some of my friends falling at 40! Best of luck at the doctors....it will probably happen when you least expect.
sending lotos of hugs and kisses
all the best to you....i am 34 and have no kids yet, although we haven't started trying hehe
Jen Ramos
'100% Recycled DESIGNER Cards'
justimagine - many ppl tell me that. not to worry or stress about it, that it will happen why we stop "Trying" but it's so hard not to worry. the angering part is, most of my friends just hold off and when they try, the next month they're with child ...
jenn - 34 you're still young!! :)
Oh Jen , I can imagine it must be terribly frustrating. But ! you have time on your side here - you're not 38 - which makes your chances much better (that your 28 not 38). Making babies isn't as easy as we grow up thinking.
Hugs to you bug - I have many friends in your situation and I can feel their angst hopefully the Doc will find something that can be corrected easliy
thanks felicity.
Hi Jenn. Me again. Don't worry, I'm sure everything is ok. It took us over a year for our first, and we now have two!
HI Jen
I had my first child at 35 and my second near my 37th b'day without even trying, but her is the point. My cylces and body were a mess and only seemed to settle down in my early 30's and I am convinced if I had tried earlier I would have been frustrated. No scientific evidence, just a feeling. Whichever route you go, any kid that has you for a mom will be super lucky :-)
thanks for the kind words and congrats with the 2 kids! i hope i can one day share such a testimony with another struggling soon to be mother :)
Thanks for your wonderful comment on my posting about my daughter's miracle pregnancy. Whatever happens I wish you all the very best!!!
PS My daughter is turning 40 in Dec and she never, ever though it would happen.
I have a friend whose boss is 37 and was told she'd have trouble conceiving.
Needless to say she was surprised to hear she's due this summer!
The world works in strange ways sometimes...hang in there Jen! :)
Patricia - i'm so happy for you and your family!!!
Jessica - thanks! i've actually been hearing some really great stories like that all week now which has given me something to look forward to :)
how is this going for you?
I had mine at 35 after years of trying. If you believe it deep down inside it will happen!The very best of luck!
I have two different friends that tried for five years and both decided to give up and adopt. One friend got pregnant as soon as they decided to go the adoption route. The other friend found out she was pregnant the day the adoption agency phoned to say they had a child available. Both friends say they successfully conceived their children when the pressure of getting pregnant was off their mind. Good luck to you!
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